Kiwifruit nail art

I wish my nails would grow quicker! For my wedding I grew mine for about six weeks beforehand - and even then they weren't THAT long. Anyway, I got a few new polishes today, all LA colours, and they are awesome! I was very good too, instead of buying whatever ones I thought were gorgeous at the time I thought about the patterns I've wanted to do but couldn't because I didn't have the right colours. 
So, I ended up buying "Enchanting", "Current" and "Summertime." Current is a weird name for a green, if you ask me, but whatever.
Here they are!

 I decided to copy a picture I found on weheartit - I am NOT posting the link though, their one puts mine to shame! I love kiwifruit, so thought this was a cool idea. Turned out alright, but I need a dotting tool or something and a thinner brush for the lines.

I'm going to keep these on for a while, I think. They're too cute to take off!
