Doctor Who Nail Art | Tardis, 11th Doctor, Bad Wolf & Dalek

I just love these. I need to do them on myself at some point - I did these ones on a fellow Doctor Who addict that I met at a party recently. Best part? I was a bit tipsy at the time of doing them, and they still turned out pretty damn awesome ;).

On the right hand we have three galaxy nails (thumb not shown, obviously), the Tardis on the middle finger and Matt Smith's outfit on the index - note the very cool bow tie. The Tardis ended up looking a bit funky, so when I do these on myself I'll try go slower and get the detail better.

On the other hand we have three more galaxy nails, a Dalek and "Bad Wolf." In case you don't watch Doctor Who, "Bad Wolf" is a phrase that keeps reappearing throughout the series and is very mysterious.

Love. Love love love. If you want a tutorial for these, let me know and I'll do one soon.

Hope you're all having a good day ☺.


  1. Don't watch the show but these look great.

  2. how great are these!!! a must have for all whovian nail art addicts! I've done quite a few myself

  3. These are FANTASTIC! *haha, see what I did there :p* No but really, these turned out great... I could never pull off that level of detail even sober, so well done :)


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