Taylor Swift - Shake It Off | Nail Art Inspired by the Music Video!
Who else is completely obsessed with Taylor Swift's new song, Shake It Off? I have listened to it so many times, it's so addictive and upbeat! I can never be sad when it's playing, so a big thanks to Taylor for keeping me in a good mood these last couple of weeks ☺.
I figured such a good song needed some nail art to match! There are so many different scenes to gain inspiration from in the music video, so I had to narrow it down otherwise it'd look a little too crazy. I ended up choosing the cheerleading outfit, the ballerinas, the '80's breakdancer look and the name of the song as my nail art inspiration. Here's what I came up with!

The nail polishes I used were:
Jordana Pop Art - Black Mark
Jordana Pop Art - Contemporary White
Jordana Pop Art - Express In Yellow
LA Colors Art Deco - Red
Nicole by OPI - Please Red-Cycle
Revlon - Indigo Night
Sinful Colors - Snow Me White

This was a lot of fun to film - I put Taylor Swift music on in the background and it was just a really happy, girly time. I've had a few rather irritating things happen in my personal life lately (#firstworldproblems) and this song came around just when I needed it. It's crazy how much music can affect your mood!
As you can see, on the index finger I painted a blue nail with three yellow stripes - this represented the cheer-leading skirt. The middle fingernail is the silhouette of a ballerina, the ring finger has a black and white striped half moon on a red nail, and the pinky was the TS logo from the cheer-leading top. The thumb nail was simply the words, "Shake It Off."
Here's the video if you haven't seen it yet.
The next video that'll be up on my channel is the Ice Bucket challenge - my mum and sister joined in too and it all ended up being quite hilarious. Keep an eye out for it here!
These nails are amazing and remind me so much of the song! I've been listening to it non-stop too! :)