Even more water-marbling!

Oh man, I just love this look. I've done it several times before, see here, here and here. But this time was definitely fourth time lucky. I was very picky about the colours I chose, and I think they worked well together.

Before I continue - I freaked out last night as my blog suddenly changed to the plain dynamic view! Then I couldn't get into my account! I still don't know exactly what happened, but I think that I probably accidentally clicked on the dynamic view from my phone, and just failed at my password. Anyway, the point of this little story is that I changed my blog layout AGAIN. I think I've changed it on average once a month. But I'll leave it like this until I get a hold of photoshop, and I'll do a nicer version of it then, and update it occasionally.

More photos below, but one more thing, TUMBLR I LOVE YOU! My nail art was featured and my page views skyrocketed. So, sweet. Love you all.

The colours I used here were:
Revlon: Royal Cloak
Revlon: Emerald City
Revlon: Golden Charm
China Glaze: Blonde Bombshell

A tip for marbling; I tend to go over the lighter parts of the design again with a brush, to make it stand out more. Also, I did the marbling with the first three colours listed above, then went over the gold with Blonde Bombshell (gold glitter) - which I think looks pretty cool.

The photos are pretty average, sorry. I'm working on getting a white light or something so they'll be consistent. 


  1. This is so pretty! I hardly ever see water marbling with shimmers!

    1. Same here! And these worked really well, more people should do it!

  2. Looks so cool! I too didn't nail my water marble until like the 4th time either, I think it just takes practice - you def got it now!!

    1. Thanks! It takes a bit of practice, doesn't it? I think getting good, new polish really makes a difference.


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