My experience with nail foils :(

Nail Foils... Eurgh.
I heard about these ages ago, but had never tried them as I figured that I could paint on most of the designs by myself and have more control. Plus, not everything I had heard about them was great... 
However, Born Pretty Store had a 50% off sale on their foils - they were down to $2.50 US roughly, so I bought a set - after all, what could I lose? I chose the American flag because I figured it was quite a detailed design and if I hand-painted it on I wouldn't be able to draw the stars, they'd just end up being dots!

This is how it ended up. First impression - WOW! Second impression - YUCK! 
Question - who here has covered their school books in Duraseal? That sticky plastic film with designs on it? 
So you know how when you haven't put it on right you get the annoying creases everywhere? And then you spend the rest of the year trying to flatten them out with no success? As you can see, that's what this turned out like.

So annoying!! I am bearing in mind that this was my first attempt so it wasn't mean to be perfect but it was just so BAD! There were three things that were really terrible...

1: Creases EVERYWHERE. Well, except my pinkies. They're smaller and flatter than the rest of my nails so were a lot easier to apply. The rest of them were really hard to straighten out - it says on the packet that you can stretch them to make it fit but it really isn't that easy.

 2. The ends look gross. They say to file downwards with a nail file, which I did.... but either I did it wrong (somehow) or the foils just fail. They're all rough and yuck and I don't know, just gross, as you can see. I applied a top coat after just so I could wrap the ends, hoping they'd feel a bit better but it didn't improve them enough for me to keep them on.

3. The worst on all... they destroyed my nails underneath! They say to take them off in warm water, which I did. However, maybe I was meant to soak them a bit longer, as when I peel them off strips of my nail came off with them! I didn't notice at first - especially on the left hand because that wasn't as bad (except for the thumb). But the right hand - omg, it's a mess! (Ignore my yellow nails! Got a post about it HERE!)

Left Hand
Right Hand
Crazy eh? As I said above, it could have been my fault for not soaking them for long enough or for putting the top coat on. I'm not really going to know unless I try again... which at this stage, I won't. 

Right hand close up

The packaging was quite nice, at least... But yeah, that's my story about nail foils. Not a good one, I'm afraid. I found a post from another nail artist about this as well - click HERE to read it. 
I feel a bit bad saying all this about Born Pretty Store, since they gave me some stuff to review a while ago, but meh, I'd rather be known for being honest than get heaps of free stuff and feel like I HAVE to give something a good review when it doesn't deserve it. As a bit of a disclaimer or whatever though - 90% of the stuff from BPS I've loved. Oh yeah, the link to where I got these from it HERE.

Also - I BROKE A NAIL! This is SO much more traumatic once you do nail art. But now I'm kind of glad - I was planning to cut them anyway soon as they were in pretty crappy condition. Plus typing is a lot easier now haha. And they look a bit nicer - as the cm or so that came off each one was particularly yellow. I have one more design left to publish of my long nails, but after that they'll just be little stubs :s.

As you can see, with a bit of buffing the damage from the foils is significantly better :)
My last exam is in four days! Yay!


  1. Sorry it didn't turn out the way you wanted it to. I wish I could give some advice but I've never used these myself :/

    Good luck on your last exam!

    1. Bit of a disappointment but at least I didn't lose much money - and hey, it's something different to blog about. And thanks, I hope it goes well too!

  2. I would call these nail stickers, rather than foils (foil comes in a little roll and you apply it with glue). I don't like the stickers either - my nails are way too curved. The only way I can do something like this is to use the aforementioned foils using glue, or nail polish strips, or water decals.

    1. Mmm yeah true, good point. That's a big problem with BPS, they give everything a million different labels to the point that you sometimes don't know what you're buying. I bought what I thought was a buffer but it turned out to be a file... I'll have to try out the actual foils sometime, thanks!

  3. I have never tried these nail wraps !! I'm sorry these didn't turn out right and ruined your nails :( I would just stick with the foils that come in rolls. Thanks for the great review though :)

    1. Yeah, I've never tried those but I really should get some! I like the idea of having metallic foil nails - gold would be cool. You're welcome!

  4. yeah I am not into nail foils (or nail stickers) they're always too thick and who wants to put stickers on their nails when they're into nail polish!!!?
    I actually tried a different brand of nail foils and found a very similar result. It's on my blog under the "nail foils" label. Also Sally Hansen is epic if you want to intense design without having to spend hours painting!
    and I'm even more gutted because like Vicky says nail foil comes in rolls, and I ordered some of these stickers THINKING they were the foil. :(

    1. Yeah, I think so! Feels a bit like cheating. Oh wow, you've done lots of foils, I'm behind! Your Sally Hansen ones look really cool! I keep getting different reviews of them lol. Oh that sucks! I think we need to find more nail art places with free shipping!

  5. Spew! I hope your poor nails recover soon. Good luck with exams! xx

  6. Oh no, that doesn't look too great at all! I was lucky enough to win some of the Sally Hansen nail stickers and I love them, unfortunately they are as pricey as a bottle of polish and I can get more wears out of a bottle of polish!

    1. Lots of people have said Sally Hansen is good, hmm, maybe I'd go for them if I dared try foils/stickers again. But yeah, EXPENSIVE! :(

  7. I never try this before.. It's quite difficult to find nail foils on my country.. I'm sorry for your nails.. Better you draw your nails by your self.. I adore your nail art ^^

    1. Yeah same here - I order my online as the only ones in shops are really expensive! Thank you! :)

  8. Such a shame they done that to your nails! I got some sent by a brand called Rebel nails and they were really easy to use and didn't ruin my nail beds. Maybe the gluey bit is a little bit too powerful!

    Jazz x

    1. Oh cool, I'll try remember to check them out if I end up doing this again one day :) Maybe! I think I stuck them on my palm a few times first to get some of the 'stick' out... but maybe I didn't do it enough or to all of them, I can't remember.

  9. I'm the same way with nail foils, most that I have seen, I could paint the design on myself so there is no point in wasting the money on them. I've have tried a cheaper set that was as terrible as these, but the ones from Sally Hansen are really good!

    1. Yeah, if you can do it yourself there's no need. Okay - sounds like quality increases with the brand/price lol. Thanks!

  10. I swear this post is what happened to me exactly! You even described it better. I had some similar shots of my nails after I peeled the foils off but decided not to post them because they were very gross.
    Thank you for mentioning my post! You have a very lovely blog and I simply adore the shape of your nails! I'm following!

    1. I used to be a bit embarrassed of showing my yucky naked nails but my last post showing them was really popular - I guess people like gross nails! And you're welcome, thanks for doing a great post and for following! I loved the shape of my nails too... but they're short now :(

  11. oh too bad they didnt work out. Nail foils dont love me either.

  12. Wow... in the end the whole process is probably just as long as painting them yourself, with not-so-stellar results (haha, get it, stars, stellar...? ok I'll show myself out). I've never bothered with foils but you've convinced me to never even try.

    1. Hahaha very good :P Yeah, I don't think I'll try these again, besides, hand-painting them is much more rewarding!

  13. I haven't use nail foils yet but yeah most designs look better when you do it on your own and from what I've seen so far they turn out pretty messy.


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