Take Two Day 5: Cartoon theme

Day Five
Cartoon Theme

Most of you don't know me in real life, but to those that do, you may remember that I had the most ridiculous restrictions put on me as a kid. Things like "no digital watch until you're 13," "Harry Potter is the devil" and "no stereo until you're 10." Whaaa? There were, of course, more normal ones such as "no cellphone until you're 14" and "no getting your ears pierced until you're 13." They all drove me up the wall - though by my teenage years I became excellent at hiding things :P. Fortunately, I get along with both my parents well now, as I'm now 22, married and they've accepted that I am no longer a child :).

Anyway, one of the restrictions that REALLY annoyed me was that I wasn't allowed to watch the Simpsons until I was 12. And even then my younger siblings were obviously not 12 and therefore couldn't watch it - so I rarely got to as they were always in the Lounge. By the time I was 17 or so my parents had relaxed a few things and we were all watching it, and now I love it. It's the ONLY TV show that I'll always watch if it's on. I'm not much of a TV lover normally, but I'll watch the Simpsons once or twice a week, which is a lot for me. I think it's just me pretending that I'm rebellious, haha.

So, my cartoon theme is Simpsons nails! It's the first time I've tried something like this so cut me some slack :P. They were fun. I didn't bother doing it on the right hand though... I've been re-addicted to the Sims 3 lately (the sims and I have had a ten-year love affair) and haven't been as nail focused.

If you've done today's Take Two challenge, add it here!

As you can see, Maggie's on my thumb and Homer, Marge, Lisa and Bart are on my fingers. They didn't work out quite the way I wanted, but meh.

I'm posting this ahead of time, because I'll be travelling for 7 or so hours the day this is published! And I HATE long car journeys, so pity me! Thank goodness my dad's coming too, to visit family; I did NOT want to drive!
Do you watch the Simpsons?

The script for today's link up is:

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               document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src=http://www.inlinkz.com/cs.php?id=217075&' + new Date().getTime() + '"><\/script>');</script>
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  1. OMG cute!
    I contemplated doing the Simpsons, (my like all time favourite cartoon)... but then I decided to go for something simpler, lol.

    Super cute Jessie!

    1. Yeah, I thought about doing their whole faces but that sounded too hard lol. Thanks! :D

  2. great job, must have been so hard to do the detail perfectly but you'd definitely know it was the simpsons..
    well done

    1. Yay thanks! I was watching a movie at the same time so I didn't find it too hard :)

    2. Can't wait to see tomorrows nails :)

  3. Doh! Those are some great nails!

    Don't feel too bad about your parents restrictions. I refused to let my son watch South Park until he turned 16. I heard 'But mom! All my friends are watching it!' for 4 years! The week of his b-day I let him watch it with me & his dad. When it was over, he turned to me and said 'I totally understand now why you didn't want me watching this when I was 12. Thanks for saving me from my youthful self.'

    I know parents seem like we have no idea what fun is about, but really, we're just trying to protect you & teach you & love you.

    1. Haha thanks! Yeah, some of them I do agree with now. I naturally wasn't allowed to watch South Park either and I agree, that program is crap. I can't watch it for more than 10 minutes haha.

  4. great job! simpsons are fantastic

  5. These are AMAZING!!!! So cool!! :D

  6. cute ! I love the simpsons family.. you made it perfectly !


  7. I too was not allowed to watch Simpsons, but I wasn't given an age limit, I was just told no. There were other things I rebelled with, I never got into the Simpsons and sometimes it baffles me when other people quote it or talk about it. I feel like I missed out. You did a great job. I really want to do Snoopy for another challenge and now I am thinking I should try because of you.

    1. Yeah, I got the "just no" thing for a lot of things too. I know what you mean when you say you missed out! I wasn't allowed to watch pokemon and whenever people reminisce I'm like awwwwkward...
      Snoopy would be awesome, you should! Thanks!

  8. What a brilliant job! Must have taken ages! I wasn't allowed to do heaps of stuff either 7.30 bedtime til I was like 14 was torture, but I got over it. Now I get to be a sometimes meanie parent, but I do let my kids watch the simpsons and other possibly inappropriate stuff sometimes too ha ha xox

    1. Thanks! They weren't too long, I think. That's annoying... my bedtime was 9pm until I was 16 or 17, which drove me nuts especially in summer. Haha, that's good. Gotta be reasonable but still protective.


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